Calvary Youth Ministries
Calvary Baptist is growing! Have your kids join up in one of the youth
ministries to learn about Christ, expand on their faith, find mentor
figures, and get involved in the community.
Calvary Childrens' Church
Ages 4-12
Calvary offers a children's church for the young ones at the same time as the 10 AM main service. Learn about Jesus, God's Word, and possible earn a prize along the way too!
Ages 13-19
Created to create a full reltionship with teens and their church
community, Ignited will cultivate a heart of faith and service while
having fun too. Ignited meets every Tuesday night at 6 PM for teens
to hang out, play games, and have a small Biblical study between.
Meets at 9 AM on Sundays.
Next Level Young Adults
Ages 19-25
The future of church leaders and the upcoming in the ministries,
Next Level Young Adults works in forwarding God's Word through fellowship and outreach.